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Welcome to Achmea Investment Management


Achmea Investment Management is a leading player in the Dutch fiduciary and asset management market. Via robust portfolio construction, effective asset management, responsible investing and thoughtful risk management our goal is to create more capital for our pension fund clients to meet their obligations. We operate with a professional and dedicated team of 350 professionals.


Hoofdkantoor Zeist

Achmea Investment Management head office


Achmea Investment Management is an independent division of Achmea, a solid, non-listed Dutch insurance group with a cooperative tradition and a PRI signatory. We have supported pension funds in the Netherlands with tailored solutions for over 60 years. We manage assets of over € 190 billion for customers including our parent balance sheet. We employ our expertise and experience to shape and professionally implement our customers’ investment policies.

Key figures (31-12-2023)

  •  € 190 billion AUM, including € 120 billion through external managers.

  •  >350 employees.

  •  27 institutional clients.

  •  >2.5 million pension fund participants.

Selection and monitoring of external managers

Our External Managers Selection and Monitoring team is one of the most extensive in this field in the Netherlands.


  •  € 112 billion AUM, including over € 25 billion illiquid alternative investments.

  •  >20 specialised portfolio managers.

  •  Robust selection, monitoring, risk management and reporting process.

  •  Economies of scale for institutional clients.


Careful selection and monitoring of external managers starts by the requirements of our clients supported by strategic asset class studies and laid out in a portfolio and implementation plan. We select the most suitable external manager. Our aim, within the portfolio risk frameworks, is to select managers who achieve the highest returns over the long term. Our portfolio managers decide from quantitative and qualitative analyses and interviews whether the conditions at an asset manager are optimal to achieve the best results for the future. Selection also includes an examination of operational risks.

Socially and environmentally responsible investment

Socially responsible investment is in our DNA. With our history and our social engagement, we make clear investment decisions. We apply five themes when shaping responsible investments: Human rights, Labour standards, Nature & the Environment, Health and Climate change. In addition, we are convinced that social and environmental responsible investments deliver better results over the long term. So we advise and assist pension funds as they develop and implement their own responsible investment policies.

Achmea and a sustainable society

Achmea contributes to a healthy, safe and future-proof society. Everything we do at Achmea IM, we do with our customers and society in mind. For us, as the largest insurance company in the Netherlands, engagement and solidarity are quite simply self-evident. Read more about Achmea and Sustainability at At the Achmea Foundation, we call for an inclusive society in which everyone can take part. We work with partners to find structural solutions. The Achmea Foundation contributes financially and deploys the expertise and talents of Achmea employees. Our initiatives in healthcare, agriculture and financial services allow us to make a long-term difference to people facing difficult socio-economic conditions.